Saturday, September 6, 2014

Vacation over...To Do List minimizing commenced

I haven't forgotten about the blog...and I definitely have not gotten lazy! Busy, busy, busy as ever here in Splendido Land. Vacation, back-to-school, winter house much going on. I have no less than 4 projects going simultaneously....and not one of them complete! To be honest - it is testing my Type A personality a little bit. I like to finish one before I start the next...but between weather, work and family...the logical order is not always possible.

We took our annual pilgrimage to Cape Cod. It was so fantastic to just hang with the kids for 12 straight days. So.Much.Fun.

Sand Sofa on the Beach

Annual Photo
This Hydrangea Bush used to look a LOT bigger

Whale Watch off of P-town

...and as soon as we finished was time to get ready for.....

the 1st Day of School!

Even though we had all this going on...I have still been starting a lot of projects. My before winter comes "To Do List" has a few items on it. Karen wants me to get back to "making pretty" inside the house, but we both agree we need to get a few more projects off the list first...

...BUT none of them a quite finished...I'll post project entries soon...but here are some teasers!

The custom pottery we collect during vacation....instead of refrigerator magnets!

 This boy's toy!

 I wonder what lived in this hole

  Scraping & painting the one of my fans and supporters look on

Proof that I have found time to squeeze in some hard work amongst the late summer fun...this selfie was taken while hanging outside the attic window scraping badly weathered am not a big fan of heights (unless it is a them!), but sometimes a man's got to do what a man's got to do.

Hopefully I can finish up a few of these projects this weekend and start making pretty again soon. The kitchen floor and cabinets are calling my name...I think I heard them saying "John refinish me."....oops...actually that was Karen doing voice-over work.

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