Friday, August 15, 2014

Original Paperwork from February 26, 1938

The son of the owners of our house from the 1950's through 2011 dropped by to say hello one day. He was glad to see a family moved into the home that loves the house as much as his parents and siblings. They like the work we were doing on the Breakfast Nook & Butler's Pantry at the time. He also told us that the Moravian Star I restored and installed came from his grandmothers house. 

Beside stopping by to just saying hi and see if the house was in good hands, he and his family came bearing gifts. Some in the form of stories about the house and others in the form of cool old artifacts that belong with the house. The coolest of which is the original Waiver of Lien for the house.

This paperwork lists every single, contractor, laborer, mechanic, dealer and company that had anything to do with the building of 930 St. Davids Lane. Paul Schaefer may be known as a master builder, but it obviously took quite the team to build his fantastic, awesome, beautiful and charming homes.

You should check out the list - ESPECIALLY if your family has lived in the Niskayuna/Schenectady area since the 1930's or prior. There is a good chance you may recognize a last name or two.

Some notables that I have noticed (please feel free to let me know if you recognize anyone I will update the post):
  • Leslie Nie - Orginal owner of the house
  • Paul Schaefer - Master Home Builder and Conservationist - more on him in a post coming soon.

  • Carl Schaefer - General Mason and Flagstone Path - per my research there was a certain snooty factor if your house has a Carl Schaefer Fireplace in the basement. I am glad to say we have one in our basement and it is absolutely beautiful! It really is one of My Favorite Things (along with raindrops on roses, crisp apple streudels and wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings) in the house.
Can wait to rip up the carpet some day and find the hearth so we can use this one again.

Any chance you have a Carl Schaefer Fireplace in your basement?

I would like to thank the Lange family for sharing these invaluable papers with us and sharing their stories. It was great meeting them and learning some history about the house.

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